Renee G. | Birth Doula in Los Angeles, CA

Renee's Doula Way

    Practice overview

    You can count on my constant support, evidence-based guidance, and reassuring presence. With certification from DONA International, supplemented by additional courses in comforting touch and movement, I am well-equipped to guide you. In addition to my professional training, I bring a deep passion for creating an empowering and calming atmosphere during labor. You'll receive multiple prenatal sessions and a postpartum visit as part of my services. I'm excited for the opportunity to work with you!

    Years experience


    Families supported


    Birth Rate


    Care philosophy

    I am a doula who believes in compassionate and supportive care above all else. My approach is rooted in non-judgmental principles, ensuring that every birthing journey is respected as a unique and personal experience.


    • Birth doula support
    • Postpartum doula support

    Specialties and Experience

    • High-risk pregnancy
    • LGBTQ
    • Over 40
    • Plus size
    • Postpartum mood disorders
    • Previous birth trauma and/or birth injury
    • Single parents
    • Teen parents
    • Waterbirth

    Care settings

    • Birthing center
    • Home
    • Hospital


    • English


    • CD(DONA)


    Renee G.

    Los Angeles, CA

    • 14 families supported
    • 2 years of experience

    Pricing packages

    Birth Doula Support
    $ 1500
    My services encompass personalized prenatal visits, attentive labor support, and compassionate postpartum guidance. You’ll have unlimited call and text support throughout our time together. Before you decide to work with me, I offer a complimentary introduction session to ensure we're the right fit.
    Sliding scale pricing available


    Areas served

    • Los Angeles

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