Emily M. | Doula in Flemington, NJ

Bundle of Joy Birth Services, LLC

    Practice overview

    I provide doula support and childbirth education for families in central NJ and eastern PA. I am a solo practice, but I always work with a backup doula.

    Years experience


    Families supported


    Birth Rate


    Care philosophy

    My support for your birth stems from a deep respect for the birthing person and birthing process. Your birth should be the birth you desire, barring special medical circumstances. When you invite me to become part of your birth team, I work with you to provide informational, emotional, and physical support before, during, and after labor and birth.


    • Bradley Method classes
    • HypnoBirthing classes
    • Birth doula support
    • Virtual doula support
    • In-home lactation visits
    • Birth photography

    Specialties and Experience

    • Cesarean birth
    • Families conceiving with ART and IVF
    • High-risk pregnancy
    • LGBTQ
    • Over 40
    • People of color
    • Plus size
    • Previous birth trauma and/or birth injury
    • Previous life trauma
    • Single parents
    • Survivors of sexual abuse
    • VBAC
    • Waterbirth

    Care settings

    • Birthing center
    • Home
    • Hospital


    • English


    • M.Ed. in Education, M.Ed. in Counseling
    • CD(DONA) - DONA Certified Doula
    • AAHCC - Bradley Method Doula and Educator
    • HBCE - HypnoBirthing Educator
    • CLC - Certified Lactation Counselor
    • LLLL - La Leche League Leader


    Emily M.

    Flemington, NJ

    • 12 families supported
    • 2 years of experience

    Pricing packages

    Birth Doula Support
    $ 1050
    Hospital or Birth Center
    Sliding scale pricing available
    Contact for additional pricing options

    Birth Doula Support
    $ 950
    Home Birth
    Sliding scale pricing available
    Contact for additional pricing options

    HypnoBirthing Classes
    $ 325
    $50 discount for doula clients.

    Bradley Method Classes
    $ 375
    $100 discount for birth doula clients.


    Areas served

    • Central NJ
    • Eastern PA

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